Tag Archives: sobriety

Why Do Commitments Make a Difference in the Quality of Your Sobriety?

Why Do Commitments Make a Difference in the Quality of Your Sobriety?

Recovery programs thrive on the contributions of others who keep the meetings going. Without each other, there would be no real reason to come to meetings. Although, where two or more are gathered is considered a recovery meeting, the meetings where newcomers come for a solution require assistance to keep everyone coming back. Most meetings […]

Why Living a Double Life in Recovery Won’t Work

Why Living a Double Life in Recovery Won’t Work

Some people are so far gone in their addiction that everyone knows what is going on. For others, they are so good at hiding what they are doing; they can show their nice side without revealing their naughty side. They have to work hard to avoid showing others the truth about their addiction, creating their […]

Esteemable Acts: Finding a Hobby

Finding a hobby

Many people in recovery have no idea what they like to do anymore now that they are sober. Since drinking alcohol and using drugs became their number one activity, they lost interest in everything else worthwhile to them. Drugs and alcohol change the chemistry in the brain, which also changes how an individual perceives life […]

Step 6: Ready to Remove Character Defects


Now that you have made it through your Fourth and Fifth Steps in your recovery program, you need to take a look at your progress and see if you are ready to move onto Step Six. By asking yourself a few questions, you can ponder if you are indeed prepared. Ask yourself if you have […]

How Do I Stop Disappointing Others Because of My Addiction?

How Do I Stop Disappointing Others Because of My Addiction?

If you are reading this and have battled addiction, there is no doubt that you have, at one time or another, felt like you were disappointing someone. Whether you did something inappropriate under the influence, committed a crime, or anything in between, human emotion will provoke disappointment from others based on your alcohol and drug […]

What an Intervention Really Means

An intervention may have been the source of contention when your family and friends recently held one in your honor. Rather than seeing the positive side, you could believe that you were tricked or coerced into treatment. After all, you were not aware of the intervention in the first place. Unfortunately, for the intervention to […]

How to Endure Pain Now that You are Sober

How to Endure Pain Now that You are Sober

One of the misconceptions people have, when they get sober, is that life will suddenly exist without pain and misery. While this is true to a certain degree, life still happens. Since there is no control over death, sickness, relationships ending, or anything else that causes fear and agony, getting into recovery from drugs and […]

What to Expect in 2020 with Your Recovery

What to Expect in 2020 with Your Recovery

Happy New Year everybody! This year is sure to be a great one especially if you continue to navigate the road to a happy destiny. Recovery is the best choice you can make to live a healthy and prosperous life that most people desire to renew as the New Year comes. Over the past 7 […]

How to Know if Sobriety is a Good New Year’s Resolution

How to Know if Sobriety is a Good New Year’s Resolution

Towards the end of the year, people start pondering on what goals they will set for the New Year. For someone who is addicted to drugs and alcohol, sobriety might seem like the logical choice for a New Year’s Resolution. You may have tried to stop using and drinking many times before with no avail, […]

How you Could Be Isolating and Don’t Even Realize It

How you Could Be Isolating and Don’t Even Realize It

One of the characteristics of someone who suffers from drug and alcohol substance abuse is how they will isolate in order to feed their addiction without having to answer anyone. If you understand this concept of isolation because you had to maintain your high in this manner, then you know how difficult it can be […]

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