Tag Archives: Isolation

What Can I Do When I Feel Alone?


There can be no doubt that the last year of the COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for many people. Unknown aspects of the virus, its effects, and prolonged isolation from others have caused people around the world to experience heightened levels of anxiety. When we face daily challenges associated with addiction and its underlying causes, […]

What Does Peer Advocacy Entail?

What Does Peer Advocacy Entail?

Going through life alone would be painful and isolating. When trying to stay sober, having like-minded people around to walk you through the tough times is imperative. The technical term is peer advocacy, which means having one-on-one support or support in a group by relating to similar experiences. People in recovery have successfully focused on […]

How to Use Isolation to Your Advantage

using isolation to your advantage

The last few months have been a different time for Americans, and for many people around the world, due to the global pandemic. You may have found yourself wondering how your recovery will be affected by the federal mandate to shelter in place. As sober living facilities went on lockdown and healthcare facilities shut down […]

Why Isolation Should Be Avoided in Recovery

People who use drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism often find themselves isolated from people who cannot or will not understand their addiction. Once they find their way in recovery from these mind-altering substances, isolation does not just automatically turn around. Actually, the opposite tends to happen and new changes in their life can […]

How you Could Be Isolating and Don’t Even Realize It

How you Could Be Isolating and Don’t Even Realize It

One of the characteristics of someone who suffers from drug and alcohol substance abuse is how they will isolate in order to feed their addiction without having to answer anyone. If you understand this concept of isolation because you had to maintain your high in this manner, then you know how difficult it can be […]

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