Tag Archives: Coping Mechanisms

Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


A lifelong psychiatric illness, known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can develop following exposure to a sudden and life-altering event. It is estimated that military veterans comprise approximately twenty percent of the population inflicted with PTSD. Once considered self-induced, people paid little attention to PTSD. They paid even less attention to the link between substance […]

What Can I Do When I Feel Alone?


There can be no doubt that the last year of the COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for many people. Unknown aspects of the virus, its effects, and prolonged isolation from others have caused people around the world to experience heightened levels of anxiety. When we face daily challenges associated with addiction and its underlying causes, […]

Preparing for Difficult Conversations: Five Things to Think About

Mental Health

Making transitions in life can be difficult, especially when it involves having conversations about aspects of our life we may have previously hidden. Sometimes, we struggle to function while our addiction and challenges remain out of sight. The stigma attached to mental health may mean suffering in silence for extended periods. Behaviors—good or bad—that others […]

What Should I Do During a Panic Attack?


It is not unusual to become stressed when making significant changes in your life, with unknown challenges lying ahead. As you work with your counselor or therapist, it is essential to talk about your stress levels, including any anxiety you are having. When discussing past trauma and events, experiencing asthma-like symptoms or difficulty swallowing is […]

Thanksgiving in Recovery


Holidays can be hard during early recovery. Many celebrations include drugs or alcohol so keeping away from your temptations and urges is more difficult during the holidays. There are ways to encourage your continued recovery, and each of them can show you that sober fun is possible after detox or addiction treatment. Set Clear Boundaries […]

Benefits of a Sober Living Home

Benefits of a Sober Living Home

The continuum of care that a person needs for their recovery could extend into a sober living home for a time. A sober living home is meant to be a transition from rehab back into real life. Once someone exits treatment, going right back to where they were drinking and using drugs can recreate the […]

Does Embracing Your Recovery Program Really Work?

Does Embracing Your Recovery Program Really Work?

When it comes to recovery, learning to embrace the program works better than trying to poke holes in doubt. You may find yourself having difficulty trying to live one day at a time and believing that this too shall pass. What you should know is that you are not the first one to be skeptical […]

Are You Complaining Too Much?

Are You Complaining Too Much?

Complaining is something as a society we regularly do. We complain because we have been wronged or annoyed by others. Literally, we can live totally blessed lives and still find reasons to complain because human nature is just like that. Plus, if we have loved ones who are using and drinking, there is no doubt […]

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