Tag Archives: Addiction Recovery

Can I Attend a Funeral and Still Stay Sober?

Losing someone you love or admire is often difficult to grasp. Knowing that you will never see them again on Earth can make their passing that much harder. Grief is no joke and if you no longer use drugs and alcohol to cope with your pain and misery, you may find yourself in a grief […]

Why are Milestones so Motivating? 

Why are Milestones so Motivating? 

12-Step meetings are known for presenting tokens for different lengths of sobriety, such as 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 9 months, or years, to celebrate continuous recovery. Sobriety is not an easy way of life for many and part of the method in recovery programs is unity with others who have experienced […]

From Codependency to Self-Sufficiency

From Codependency to Self-Sufficiency

The word codependency is thrown around quite a bit in the recovery world. Drugs and alcohol cause codependent behaviors for both the person who is suffering from addiction and the people who are affected by it. The problem of being influenced by codependency is that you may not even comprehend what being codependent means or […]

Demi Lovato: One Year Later

Demi Lovato: One Year Later

Being a celebrity must be difficult at times especially to have everything in their lives posted all over the tabloids and the media. Good or bad, The Paparazzi seems to intrude into their way of life, especially when it comes to something like an addiction. Last year, Demi Lovato had a less than stellar month […]

Humility vs. Humiliation

Humility vs. Humiliation

Recovery entails two parts that are instrumental for not only getting sober but also staying sober for the long run. On one hand, you must hit a bottom that lets you feel humiliated enough to give you the gift of desperation to get sober. On the other hand, humiliation is a key component to find […]

Why You Want to Forget Your Past but Shouldn’t in Recovery

Why You Want to Forget Your Past but Shouldn’t in Recovery

You may not realize that your painful past can actually be an asset in keeping you sober. The problem that lies in rehashing all the shady and illegal lapses in judgment is that they make you feel like a bad person. Although your addiction is not a justification for bad behavior, your addiction is something […]

Will I Always Be Drowning in My Self-Pity?

Will I Always Be Drowning in My Self-Pity?

Once someone gets sober, they can be really down on themselves for all the poor decisions that they made when they were drinking and using. Financial, legal, relational, and medical issues can all arise from the abuse of drugs and alcohol and cause the feeling of complete defeat. When these situations ensue, drugs and alcohol […]

Tips to Going Back to School in Sobriety

Tips to Going Back to School in Sobriety

August is known as the “back to school” month for thousands of schools and colleges around the country. People of all ages attempt to elevate their education by enrolling in school in the hopes of reaching their next academic level. Now that you are sober and trying to better your life, you may be interested […]

Why Am I So Sad Now that I am Sober?

Why Am I So Sad Now that I am Sober?

The thought that many people who get sober have is now that I am sober, everything will be great. While this may be true in different ways in their lives, the truth is that getting sober is a process. Sobriety is not a magic result that turns everything that was once bad automatically into something […]

Why Valiant Living is A Place to Start Living in Recovery 

Why Valiant Living is A Place to Start Living in Recovery 

We know how hard starting recovery can be for our clients. One of the main objectives we strive for at Valiant Living is to make coming into treatment not so frightening by keeping the intake and orientation process as easy as possible. Coming into a rehabilitation center can be nerve-racking especially to someone who is […]

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