Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ways to Stop Making Permanent Decisions Based on Your In-the-Moment Emotions

Ways to Stop Making Permanent Decisions Based on Your In-the-Moment Emotions

Looking back on a decision that you made, you might have thought to yourself, I wish I would have thought that through. The problems with making rash decisions about important subjects are that although you can repair whatever problems arise, you still cannot undo the decision you make. If this sounds like something that happens […]

I Got Injured and My Doctor Want to Prescribe me Drugs. What Do I Do?

I Got Injured and My Doctor Want to Prescribe me Drugs. What Do I Do?

There may be a time where you find yourself injured enough to where you need to seek medical attention. During your doctor’s appointment, they let you know what your prognosis is and ask you your level of pain. In answering this question, your doctor could at this point decide to give you a script for […]

Will Road Rage Affect My Recovery?

Will Road Rage Affect My Recovery?

Someone cuts you off on the road and what do you do? Do you chase after them and proceed to get revenge by cutting them off? Do you flip them off or do you consider that they just might be having a bad day and write it off? Road rage is a serious problem that […]

Marijuana Withdrawal: Real or Fake News

Marijuana Withdrawal: Real or Fake News

One of the most misunderstood drugs of today is marijuana. With the legalization and the evolution of cannabis, people still tend to think of it as an organic, non-threatening drug used for medicinal purposes on one hand. On the other hand, they think of stoners having a good old time not harming anyone or anything […]

What You Need to Know about Mushrooms

What You Need to Know about Mushrooms

One of the recent trends that have become prevalent again is the use of mushrooms. Not the kind of mushrooms that you sauté up into a delicious meal. The kind of mushrooms that are psychedelic in nature to make a person “trip”. Mushrooms of this variety have gone in and out of popularity due to […]

Skills to Keeping Going During a Crisis 

Skills to Keeping Going During a Crisis 

Life is full of ups and downs that no one can ever foresee. Some circumstances can be avoided through organizing, planning, and being on top of your game. Other events, good or bad, can come completely out of left field without knowing how to navigate through them especially when something becomes a crisis. Get prepared […]

What You Need to Know About a BUI

What You Need to Know About a BUI

Summertime is the time that many people enjoy water sports that include the use of a boat. Water skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing are activities that take place in lakes, rivers, and oceans all over the country. Often boats are synonymous with drinking alcohol. Coolers are filled with alcoholic beverages to go hand and hand with […]

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