Category Archives: health and wellness

Preparing for Difficult Conversations: Five Things to Think About

Mental Health

Making transitions in life can be difficult, especially when it involves having conversations about aspects of our life we may have previously hidden. Sometimes, we struggle to function while our addiction and challenges remain out of sight. The stigma attached to mental health may mean suffering in silence for extended periods. Behaviors—good or bad—that others […]

Think Before You Speak: Curbing Angry Responses

Self-Healing Heart Chakra Meditation.

Living with addiction demands our priorities as well as our mental and emotional well-being. When we cannot meet the desire for immediate gratification, our emotional state can make it difficult to respond appropriately to close family members or friends. Additionally, if regular communication between your parents involved shouting, angry outbursts, and harmful words, you may […]

Your Mind on Quiet Mode

Quiet Mode

Spending Time Alone When we are alone, we may reflect on past events, picking over all that happened to us, and believing we are responsible for where we are today. Destructive, useless thoughts, can drive us deeper into self-hatred, shame, and blame. Thankfully, it’s possible to exercise control over these moments, processing our thoughts in […]

Reconnecting With Yourself is Vital for Long-Term Recovery


A step often forgotten or ignored in recovery is getting to know yourself again after losing your identity in the throes of your addiction. Connection to yourself can be found through tools such as meditation and self-reflection practices that provide peace and motivation for maintaining sobriety. Meditation and other practices are common in treating addiction […]

The Brain-Body Connection During Rehabilitation


When your body deals with a detoxification program, it is not unusual to experience nausea, weakness, fatigue, and other side effects depending on your former habits and situation. You may also experience wide-ranging mood swings that you may not have expected. Some people in detox experience mood swings associated with removing the harmful substances that […]

Difficulty Sleeping During Early Recovery


A common challenge people face when starting recovery is adopting healthy sleeping habits. Getting into good sleeping habits can help stabilize mood swings, and is part of the process of bringing structure to your everyday life. There are a lot of ways to achieve better sleep so don’t be discouraged if you try something and […]

How Mantras Can Help Your Recovery


One of the greatest mindfulness-based practices that you can use in your recovery as you rediscover who you are without your addiction is meditation. Meditation allows you to clear your mind and take a step back from the negative thoughts that can distract you from recovery. A tool that can help in the beginning phases […]

Ways You Can Support Your Loved One in Their Recovery

Ways You Can Support Your Loved One in Their Recovery

Drugs and alcohol poison the mind of a person who is addicted to them. The powerful obsession of addiction will start to feed lies through the brain and make someone believe that they are not worthy and that no one cares about their situation. When the belief begins to occur, the person with the addiction […]

Why Being of Service Can Change Your Life

Why Being of Service Can Change Your Life

Your philosophy of life may entail giving someone the shirt off your back when they are in need. That ideal is pretty common with most caring people. However, for someone who is suffering from addiction and offering the shirt off their back when they are actively using and drinking can be slightly skewed. The concept […]

Esteemable Acts: Self-Care

Esteemable Acts: Self-Care

Taking care of yourself should be the number one goal each day. If you are not making your self-care of the utmost priority, you jeopardize the connection between your mind, body, and spirit. When you accomplish this trifecta of self-care, you are treating yourself well and creating your ability to help others. Everyone knows that […]

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