Category Archives: Addiction

How Can Someone Get Sober When They Are in Denial?


Only a small percentage of people decide to get sober on their own. Without having some significant ramifications that occur directly from their drug and alcohol use, many people choose to stay in their active addiction. The ease and comfort of alcoholism or addiction can keep a person from seeing that they are doing damage […]

Step Ten – Taking Personal Inventory

Man Smiling Outdoor

Making your way through the 12-Steps means you have admitted you are powerless. You have developed a relationship with a Higher Power, found your part, and admitted it. Your support system has helped you accept your character defects. With your sponsor’s help, you have made a list of people you have harmed and tried to […]

Addiction Isn’t a Choice, But Recovery Is


Coming to terms with the fact that the use of drugs and alcohol has turned into an addiction means accepting that you are no longer in control of it. Unfortunately, once you have fallen into the darkness of addiction, the power to choose may be removed completely and only the choice of recovery can bring […]

The Myths Surrounding Drug Detox


Drug addiction detox is cleansing the body of substances and managing withdrawal symptoms. When people think of staying at any center, they believe it will be long, pointless, or you are better off detoxing on your own at home. It is important to know the truth about how effective drug detox is as it is […]

Detox Can Help You Survive College with a Dual Diagnosis


College is supposed to be about self-discovery, creating lifelong friendships, developing independence, and seeing what the world has to offer. Unfortunately, your parents, teachers, and other students may place pressure on you to be the person they want you to be, allowing yourself to give in to drugs or alcohol and potentially develop a mental […]

How Can Someone Get Sober When They Are in Denial?

man in denial struggling with addiction

Only a small percentage of people decide to get sober on their own. Without having some significant ramifications that occur directly from their drug and alcohol use, many people choose to stay in their active addiction. The ease and comfort of alcoholism or addiction can keep a person from seeing that they are doing damage […]

Making Friends After Rehab

Finding supportive friendships

Understanding the changes that need to take place in sobriety is essential to recovery. One of those changes is who you choose to spend your time with. When you were active in your addiction, the friends you hung around with probably drank and used as heavily as you did. You and your drinking and using […]

Top 5 Things People Get Wrong About Addiction

Understanding what happens during addiction

Misconceptions happen all the time regarding addiction. The truth is that addiction is often misunderstood because anyone who is not addicted to drugs and alcohol cannot understand what happens mentally and physically with someone who is. Addiction triggers an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind as soon as substances enter the […]

What Are the Common Fears Surrounding Rehab?

Fear of loss in recovery

Someone who desperately needs to receive treatment from drugs and alcohol may put up a fight or refuse to go simply because of fear. They may have devised up some misgivings about what attending a rehabilitation center will be like based on what they believe will happen – not on the reality of what actually […]

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