Monthly Archives: March 2021

Detoxing From More Than Just Alcohol and Drugs

detoxing from more than just drugs

When you hear the word “detoxification,” quitting alcohol and drugs probably comes to mind. While purifying your body by ridding the toxins related to addiction is vital, many people find other opportunities to engage in a “detox” beneficial to improve their frame of mind. Other areas of your life can go through a “detox” to […]

The Benefits of Comprehensive Detox Treatment

comprehensive detox treatment

People who struggle with the disease of addiction often fear the first step of recovery, which is detoxification. Stereotypes from movies and television often portray detox as a horrible experience in isolation either at home or with an unsympathetic medical staff. Other times, people spread misinformation about the experience of detox, which can frighten others. […]

Oregon Decriminalizes Drug Use, Offers Treatment Over Prison Time


A new law in Oregon now decriminalizes possession of illegal narcotics, including cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, and oxycodone. Janie Gullickson, executive director of the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon, worked towards the passage of the innovative piece of legislation called Measure 110. The law went into effect on February 8, with a complete rollout […]

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