Monthly Archives: February 2021

How Does Meditation Help Addiction?


In terms of addiction recovery, meditation is often referred to as mindfulness. This state of self-awareness is beneficial to individuals in any addiction recovery program. People who meditate can often exercise greater control over thoughts and emotions and might be more equipped to monitor their thought processes. Self-awareness plays a key role in cutting through […]

The Dopamine Link


We hear a lot about the benefits of dopamine and its ability to make us happy and feel good about ourselves. Low levels of dopamine may create the desire within the body to find a substitute. Often this manifests as substance abuse, leading to addiction. But what exactly is dopamine and why do we need […]

The Process of Learning New Habits


Breaking habits can be difficult. Breaking the habit of addiction can be even more challenging, especially when we approach addiction from a disease model rather than a series of poor choices leading to habits with unhealthy consequences. Arguably, the result or symptom of that disease is the presence of an overwhelming desire followed by an […]

All Stretched Out: Why Yoga Is Good for Addiction Recovery


Yoga may not be the first thing that springs to mind when you’re considering entering a detox and rehabilitation program. Yet, over the last decade, this restorative exercise technique, once the alternative therapy guru’s domain, has become more mainstream.   Although addiction requires lifelong management in much of the same way as mental health, when we […]

Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


A lifelong psychiatric illness, known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can develop following exposure to a sudden and life-altering event. It is estimated that military veterans comprise approximately twenty percent of the population inflicted with PTSD. Once considered self-induced, people paid little attention to PTSD. They paid even less attention to the link between substance […]

The Negative Effects of Xanax Addiction


Doctors prescribe the benzodiazepine Xanax in dosages determined according to individual needs. However, this is usually taken orally as a standard or extended-release pill or an orally disintegrating tablet. Snorting Xanax is a harmful misuse of the drug and can cause long term negative side-effects. Why Do People Snort Xanax? Xanax, often prescribed for anxiety […]

Being Mindful of Positive Thinking

Happy couple

Most people would agree that the way we think not only affects our behavior but also our efficiency in achieving goals. The less we believe in our capability to achieve what we set out to do, the greater the chance we have of throwing in the towel when we hit an obstacle or experience a […]

Three Simple Steps to Creating a Healthy Lifestyle During Recovery


After a successful detox and intensive rehabilitation program, many people return home only to deal with a tangle of family issues resulting from the addiction itself. Returning home and establishing new routines following rehabilitation can create challenges. These unanticipated stressors reinforce the importance of maintaining a schedule of support groups and individual therapy. Without this […]

What Are Some Causes of Addiction?


Currently, there is no single method to predict who will develop a substance abuse habit. However, taking a step back can help us understand the nature of addiction and a person’s vulnerability to substance misuse. Across all social clusters, demographics, and backgrounds, addiction is a multi-faceted illness with no single social or economic group risk-averse […]

What Can I Do When I Feel Alone?


There can be no doubt that the last year of the COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for many people. Unknown aspects of the virus, its effects, and prolonged isolation from others have caused people around the world to experience heightened levels of anxiety. When we face daily challenges associated with addiction and its underlying causes, […]

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