Monthly Archives: November 2020

Negative Thoughts Do Not Have To Permeate Recovery


One of the biggest challenges of being in the throes of addiction is the negative thoughts that permeate despite trying to numb them with drugs and alcohol. Thoughts drive our actions, and if we are filled with negative thoughts, it most likely will lead to negative behaviors. Once you find recovery, you may still find […]

Addiction Isn’t a Choice, But Recovery Is


Coming to terms with the fact that the use of drugs and alcohol has turned into an addiction means accepting that you are no longer in control of it. Unfortunately, once you have fallen into the darkness of addiction, the power to choose may be removed completely and only the choice of recovery can bring […]

Reconnecting With Yourself is Vital for Long-Term Recovery


A step often forgotten or ignored in recovery is getting to know yourself again after losing your identity in the throes of your addiction. Connection to yourself can be found through tools such as meditation and self-reflection practices that provide peace and motivation for maintaining sobriety. Meditation and other practices are common in treating addiction […]

The Myths Surrounding Drug Detox


Drug addiction detox is cleansing the body of substances and managing withdrawal symptoms. When people think of staying at any center, they believe it will be long, pointless, or you are better off detoxing on your own at home. It is important to know the truth about how effective drug detox is as it is […]

Asking for Help Can Be Hindered by Pride


Considered by many belief systems, pride can be extremely hurtful not only to yourself but more importantly, to your recovery. It can cause you to believe unrealistically about yourself and your capabilities and lead you to take risks they wouldn’t otherwise take. It can make you believe yourself invulnerable to the harms that others face. […]

Detox Can Help You Survive College with a Dual Diagnosis


College is supposed to be about self-discovery, creating lifelong friendships, developing independence, and seeing what the world has to offer. Unfortunately, your parents, teachers, and other students may place pressure on you to be the person they want you to be, allowing yourself to give in to drugs or alcohol and potentially develop a mental […]

Regret is an Opportunity for Growth


Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s okay because, without them, it would be difficult for people to figure out how they might be able to change. A common occurrence seen with making these mistakes is that they can turn into regret. Care needs to be taken when dealing with regret so it can be processed in […]

The Brain-Body Connection During Rehabilitation


When your body deals with a detoxification program, it is not unusual to experience nausea, weakness, fatigue, and other side effects depending on your former habits and situation. You may also experience wide-ranging mood swings that you may not have expected. Some people in detox experience mood swings associated with removing the harmful substances that […]

Thanksgiving in Recovery


Holidays can be hard during early recovery. Many celebrations include drugs or alcohol so keeping away from your temptations and urges is more difficult during the holidays. There are ways to encourage your continued recovery, and each of them can show you that sober fun is possible after detox or addiction treatment. Set Clear Boundaries […]

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