Monthly Archives: December 2019

Ways to Stop Making Permanent Decisions Based on Your In-the-Moment Emotions

Ways to Stop Making Permanent Decisions Based on Your In-the-Moment Emotions

Looking back on a decision that you made, you might have thought to yourself, I wish I would have thought that through. The problems with making rash decisions about important subjects are that although you can repair whatever problems arise, you still cannot undo the decision you make. If this sounds like something that happens […]

Why is Sobriety the Best Gift?

Why is Sobriety the Best Gift?

Every year for the holidays, shoppers are looking for the best gifts to give their loved ones. From stocking stuffers to online purchases, you can find consumers checking their lists and then checking them twice. The good news for you in recovery is that if you are sober, you have already given yourself the best […]

7 Ways to Socialize Without Getting High or Drunk

7 Ways to Socialize Without Getting High or Drunk

One of the main concerns when getting sober is trying to imagine what life will be like without the elusive effects of drugs and alcohol. Will I ever have fun again? How can I be around all these people without having the buffer of being high or drunk? Is sobriety as boring as I envision […]

Tips to Stay Sober with the Holidays on the Horizon

Tips to Stay Sober with the Holidays on the Horizon

If this is your first time being sober over the holidays, you could be in some major fear of the unknown. You probably associate the holidays with alcohol-induced work parties, receiving wine at your gift exchanges, or family gatherings with eggnog – and not the nonalcoholic kind. With alcohol and drugs seemingly everywhere your holiday […]

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